Branching out

One of the weird things about being in Writer World is how normal the remarkable becomes, and how quickly that phase change occurs. When you’re just starting out — thrilled and terrified about having finally been published for real — every little milestone feels like you’ll never forget it, that it will always be new and wondrous and passing strange. Someone wants you to blurb their book! Your opinion matters! And then you do it again. And again. And it becomes part of your new normal. Books always drop on Tuesdays and their titles are written in all caps and “in a good deal” in announcements means a certain cash range, and so on: all the things that were weird and new about this world are completely commonplace.

This one is special, though, at least for me: I’ve never been published in the Washington Post before. I was delighted to have this opportunity, and even more delighted that the book they wanted me to review, Lavie Tidhar’s BY FORCE ALONE, was so bloody good I kept yelling to my wife in the other room about it while I read. (I explain why in the review, but trust me, if you like retellings of well-known legends with the nicey-nice stripped off and the bones showing, go and buy this book.)

I deeply enjoy reviewing — I always have — and I think this milestone is going to go on the metaphorical mantelpiece for keeps: that time I was in the Post yelling about kung-fu knights and alien grails.

Also: those of you who follow my fic will be glad to know that we are at long last working on chapter 8 of all that you love will be carried away Part III: that may be found, if sought. SPACE BATTLES AHOY.